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We’re a group of open-source software developers. We work on Liblouis, an open-source braille translation library for a large number of languages and braille codes, written in C. It is used in many products and if you’re a braille user, odds are you have come across braille that was produced by Liblouis.

Why donate?

Liblouis is an important piece of software for a lot of products, but its development relies heavily on volunteer work, and our time is limited. Most of us have regular day jobs and try to work on Liblouis in our 20% project or in our spare time.

Your donation will support us in our work maintaining Liblouis. With the extra revenue we can afford to invest more time in the project than we would otherwise.

If you use Liblouis in your daily routine and it makes your life easier, you can show your appreciation by giving us a small tip. If you run a business or non-profit that benefits from Liblouis, consider sponsoring us a bit more generously to guarantee Liblouis stays healthy and actively maintained.

How to donate?

If you or your organisation would like to support us in our efforts to move Liblouis forward, you may make a (tax-deductible) donation, using the PayPal button above. PayPal also offers the option of secure card payment, with debit or credit card. You can donate any amount. You can donate once or set up a recurring monthly donation (which can be amended or cancelled at any time).

For more information on other ways to donate, including through bank and wire transfer, visit the Software Freedom Conservancy donations page.

Software Freedom Conservancy

Donations are managed by the Software Freedom Conservancy, a 501(c)3 non-profit organisation that, apart from fiscal sponsorship, provides legal assistance and a framework for long-term stewardship of the Liblouis project.

Donations made to Software Freedom Conservancy are fully tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. The majority of donation funds go directly towards supporting the Liblouis project. A small portion of the funds are set aside for the Software Freedom Conservancy to continue their work in supporting Liblouis and other open source initiatives.

Specific engagements

You may also hire Bert Frees to do a specific job. Get in touch and we’ll try to work something out.

Thanks to our financial supporters!

Liblouis is very grateful to the individuals and organizations below for showing their appreciation for the work we do, and for understanding the importance of keeping Liblouis alive and healthy.